Workshop abstract
This workshop will focus on all of the obstacles developers have to overcome on their path from "but it worked on my machine" to "we roll out twice a day and still can sleep at night": why and how to set up a Docker stack as development environment for eZ Publish; how to effectively deal with multi-environment configurations; what to put in a deployment script; how to manage updates to the database structure. If time allows: how to set up automated testing of an eZ Publish bundle on Travis.
Workshop slides
Workshop exercises
Workshop video
Gaetano Giunta
Gaetano has been writing code for 72% of his life. 45% of that code was PHP. Knowing that he compiled his first PHP version on SCO Openserver, can you tell how many bugs he has created in his life?
When not spending time on his main hobby (coding), he works as a web architect. You can usually find him in Londonin any pub where there is an IT meetup and free beer.