This is a past event. Please join us for Web Summer Camp this year.

The framework is dead, long live the framework

Workshop abstract

It is said developers go through four stages: 1. No framework 2. Use a framework. 3. Write own framework. 4. No framework. Once the cycle is complete, the developer is said to be ready. In this workshop, we'll go for stage 3, but replace it with stage 4. In other words, we'll explain how to build our own framework, but from third party components, thus being immune to breaking changes, vendor lock, and other negative side effects of using popular frameworks.

Setting up a developer environment

Set up the developer environment in 3 simple steps:

  1. Install Virtual Box 5.*
  2. Download the appliance (size: 5GB; username: websc; password websc)
  3. Import the appliance to Virtual Box and run it

The appliance is based on Ubuntu and has all services needed by workshops installed. All code with git repos cloned is also in the appliance, you might need to do a git pull. You will need to reinstall PHPStorm since the demo license was valid for 30 days.

Remember to use a laptop with a processor capable of hardware virtualization and at least 4 GB of RAM (8 GB is highly recommended). Regular hard disk will do, but having an SSD is an advantage.

Workshop video

Bruno Škvorc

Bruno Škvorc


Bruno is a coder from Croatia with Master’s Degrees in Computer Science and English Language and Literature. He’s the editor of SitePoint’s PHP channel and a developer evangelist for He avoids legacy code like the plague and when picking projects makes sure they’re as cutting-edge as possible.